“Since returning to academia in 2010, my work at the lectern and hosting workshops has increased as a matter of course!” Frances Gill.

Lectures, Sessions, Presentations, Posters, Exhibitions, and Workshops by Frances Gill

2023 | Doctoral lecture

Aurignacian Rhapsody. With, through and about flutes from Swabian origins, in-between a priori, and a posteriori delivered at the Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, 19th July 2019. Funded in association with the UNESCO-project “Caves of the Swabian Jura” Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (Germany).


2021 | Colloquium lecture

Wild Sonic Debitage delivered at the Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, 11th Novembers 2021. Funded in association with the UNESCO-project “Caves of the Swabian Jura” Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (Germany).


2020 | Exhibitor

Wayfaring: Utgrävning av Minnesportar, in collaboration with Anna-Karin Karlsson; an installation created and delivered for the Experimental Heritage’s physical exhibition Minnesportar (Memory portals), Ölands Museum Himmelsberga (Sweden), 10th October - 1st November 2020. Commissioned by Kulturföreningen Karneval


2019 | Colloquium lecture

Songs from a swan delivered at the Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, 10th January 2019. Funded in association with the UNESCO-project “Caves of the Swabian Jura” Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (Germany).


2019 | Lecture

Songs from a swan delivered 12th January 2019, at the 3rd meeting of the Palaeolithic Music Group, Urgeschichtliches Museum, Blaubeuren, within the Workshop on Palaeolithic wind-instrument finds of the Swabian Jura, 11th - 12th January 2019. Supported by Urgeschichtliches Museum, Blaubeuren (Germany).


2018 | Lecture presentation

SOUNDmound dot org: Experimental Music as Archaeological Theory and Practice delivered at the 40th Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG Deva) Conference, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Chester (UK), 17th - 19th December 2018, in the session ‘In the Mix’: Recalibrating Music, Heritage and Place. Funded in association with the Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity (ref. nr. 20160056).


2018 | Sound workshop for children

Ljud-Dag-Barn delivered 31st October 2018 at the Utställningen Experimentellt kulturarv - avslut en ny början, Kamerala villan, Mörbylånga, Öland (Sweden), 27th October -11th November 2018. Commissioned by Kulturföreningen Karneval Projekt Experimentellt kulturav Öland II in association with Ljus på kultur.


2018 | Experimental-sound workshop

Syrian Futures for the SOUNDmound project, with members of the theatre group, ‘Syrien och solen’, Markaryd (Sweden), 2nd April 2018. A mashup called Soundmound: Syrian Futures (in D), using audio material from a recording of the workshop performance, features on the album Sandby Borg (‘Frances Flute the Bellows Mender’). Funded in association with the Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity (ref. nr. 20160056).


2018 | Experimental-sound workshop

Somali Heritage for the SOUNDmound project, with members of the Abdi-Noor Mohammed family, Växjö (Sweden), 15th March spring 2018. A mashup called Soundmound: Somali Heritage (in D flat), using audio material from a recording of the workshop performance, features on the album Sandby Borg (‘Frances Flute the Bellows Mender’). Funded in association with the Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity (ref. nr. 20160056).


2017 | Lecture presentation

There’s no place like home: Divje babe delivered 26th September 2017 at the Going Home – Seminar in honour of Mats Larsson, Linnaeus University, Kalmar (Sweden), 26th - 27th September 2017.


2017 | Lecture presentation

Sketching a Sound Mound for Sandby borg delivered 1st September 2017 at the Building Bridges – 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2017, Maastricht (Netherlands), 30th August - 3rd September 2017, in the session Experimental Heritage. Working Together with Time, Art and Heritage in the Local Community (within the general theme Trans- and Metadisciplinary Approaches in Archaeology). Supported by the Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity (ref. nr. 20160056).


2017 | Session organiser

Future Melodies: Considering the Significance and Application of the Earliest Melodic Wind Instruments in the Contemporary World delivered 26th August 2017 (chaired by Svanibor Pettan) at the GLASBA V KAMENI DOBI Music in the Stone Age – International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Study Group on Music Archaeology XV Symposium, and Workshop of the European Music Archaeology Project (EMAP), Ljubljana (Slovenia), 24th - 26th August 2017. Contributors to this session: - Anna Friederike Potengowski; Barnaby Brown; and Simon Wyatt. Supported by Mednarodni Festival.


2017 | Lecture presentation

The Ethical Swan: Experimenting with the Heritage of an Upper-Palaeolithic ‘Flute’ and an Archaeological Site of Violence delivered 26th August 2017, at the GLASBA V KAMENI DOBI Music in the Stone Age – International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Study Group on Music Archaeology XV Symposium, and Workshop of the European Music Archaeology Project (EMAP), Ljubljana (Slovenia), 24th - 26th August 2017, in the Future Melodies session. Supported by Mednarodni Festival, and funded in association with the Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity (ref. nr. 20160056).


2017 | Lecture demonstration

Dance for Cajsa, and Duet for Anna: An Overview and Practical Demonstration of Two Pieces of Music delivered 26th August 2017, at the GLASBA V KAMENI DOBI Music in the Stone Age – International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Study Group on Music Archaeology XV Symposium, and Workshop of the European Music Archaeology Project (EMAP), Ljubljana (Slovenia), 24th - 26th August 2017, in the Future Melodies session. Supported by Mednarodni Festival.


2017 | Sound-sketching workshop

Soundmounding delivered 16th August 2017 assisted by Birgitta Ridderstedt, for public visitors to the two-week exhibition called Skissande rum in Hedvigs hus, Ölands Museum Himmelsberga (Sweden), 15th - 27th August 2017. A mashup called Soundmound: Heaven’s Mountain (in F sharp), using audio material from a recording of the workshop performance, features on the album Sandby Borg (‘Frances Flute the Bellows Mender’). Funded in association with the Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity (ref. nr. 20160056).


2017 | Lecture demonstration

Stenåldersflöjter som en källa till kulturav delivered 16th July 2017, about the swan-wing-radius flute ‘Geissenklösterle 1 - Frances Gill 2’ (GK1-FG2), as “a demonstration of the power of sonic heritage in an experimental context, in relation to dissonant heritage”, including a live performance of Green Källa (Gill and Beatty 2017), within the summer exhibition Kulturarv – källa, Näsby Nav, Öland (Sweden), 24th July - 21st August 2017. Supported in association with the Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity (ref. nr. 20160056), and Kulturell tankesmedja, Öland.


2017 | Guest lecture

Musikarkeologi här och nu delivered 15th March 2017, to the members of Kronobergs Arkeologiska Förening, at Pilbäckskolan,Växjö (Sweden), to include an experimental-sound workshop for the SOUNDmound project. A mashup called Soundmound: The Dig (in B), using some of the audio material from a recording of the workshop performance, features on the album Sandby Borg (‘Frances Flute the Bellows Mender’). Supported by Kronobergs Arkeologiska Förening.


2016 | Workshop in the landscape

The creation of a "sound mound at Sandby borg, delivered 9th November 2016, to students at the Public Archaeology as collaboration and dialogue 3rd INNOVARCH Intensive Course, Linnaeus University, Campus Kalmar, Sweden, 6-12 November 2016, in the session Experimental heritage – creatively engaging with archaeological sites and themes involving artistic perspectives. Supported by the Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity (ref. nr. 20160056), and in association with the Graduate School in Contract Archaeology Linnaeus University, and the INNOVARCH project (Erasmus+ collaboration between the Autonomous University of Barcelona (project leader), The University of Crete, The University of Warsaw, and Linnaeus University). Three mashups called: - Soundmound: Celebration (in G); Soundmound: Entitlement (in E); and Soundmound: A Flat Heirarchy (in A flat), using audio material from recordings of workshop performances, feature on the album Sandby Borg (‘Frances Flute the Bellows Mender’).


2016 | Lecture presentation

SOUNDmound at Sandby borg: Experimental (Music as Applied) Heritage delivered 5th October 2016, and poster, at the Experimentellt kulturarv och entreprenörskap Seminars and Workshops in Experimental Heritage, Yellow Box, Sättra (Öland), 5th - 6th October 2016.


2016 | Lecture presentation

Sound Mounding delivered 13th September 2016 at the Let’s Do it! Social Cohesion through Applied Heritage and the Time Travel method – International Organization in Applied Heritage and Time Travels’ Bridging Ages Conference, Kalmar (Sweden), 13th - 16th September 2016.


2016 | Exhibitor

Truth about a door; installation of a digital device screening the audio-visual presentation A Door at Sandby borg, accompanied by the physical door from this performance, in the bureau installation Experimentellt kulturarv Öland , at the summer exhibition Flätverk, Näsby Nav, Öland (Sweden), 9th July - 14th August 2016. Supported by Linnaeus University (5731 Arkeolgi/Bodil Petersson).


2016 | Sound workshop

Vatten, Ljud, Källor, Musik delivered 13th May 2016 in the landscape at Sandby borg, Öland (Sweden), at the Experimentellt kulturarvet – Ölands källor och vatten - Seminars and Workshops in Experimental Heritage, Ölands Folkhögskola, Skogsby (Sweden), 12th - 13th May 2016. A mashup called Soundmound: Öland’s Water (in F), using audio material from a recording of the workshop performance, features on the album Sandby Borg (‘Frances Flute the Bellows Mender’). Funded by Linnaeus University (5731 Arkeolgi/Bodil Petersson).


2016 | Lecture presentation

In the Slipstream of Cajsa Lund’s Legacy: Reflections about Music Archaeology delivered 18th February 2016 at The Archaeology of Sound, Acoustics and Music Symposium in Honour of Cajsa S. Lund, Linnaeus University, Department of Music and Art, Växjö (Sweden), 18th - 19th February 2016. Self-funded.


2016 | Excursion

to the echo temple at the old water tower Växjö (Sweden) – activity planning and organisation, during The Archaeology of Sound, Acoustics and Music Symposium in Honour of Cajsa S. Lund, Linnaeus University, Department of Music and Art, Växjö (Sweden), 18th - 19th February 2016. Voluntary work.


2015 | Lecture presentation

A door at Sandby borg delivered 3rd December 2013, at the Experimentellt kulturarv i världsarvet - Seminars and Workshops in Experimental Heritage, Ölands Folkhögskola, Skogsby (Sweden), 3rd - 4th December 2013. Supported by Linnaeus University (5731 Arkeolgi/Bodil Petersson).


2015 | Guest lecture

Ivory Notebooks: Doing Experimental Heritage in Music? delivered 23rd April 2015, at Experimentellt kulturarv – kulturarvsforskning och konstnärlig utövning i samverkan - Seminars and Workshops in Experimental Heritage, Ölands Folkhögskola, Skogsby (Sweden), 23rd - 24th April 2015. Funded by Linnaeus University (5731 Arkeolgi/Bodil Petersson).


2014 | Poster

The Living Musikarkeologi: Anachronisms and The Body in Experiment delivered at the Sound-Object-Culture-History 9th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology (ISGMA), Ethnologisches Museum, Berlin (Germany), 9th - 12th September 2014.


2013 | Lecture presentation

Bringing the past into the present through music; music experiences as archaeological experiments delivered 28th April 2013, at the 2nd meeting of the Palaeolithic Music Group, Urgeschichtliches Museum, Blaubeuren, 28th - 29th April 2013. Supported by Urgeschichtliches Museum, Blaubeuren (Germany).


2011 | Lecture demonstration

Replicas delivered 6th July 2011, at the 1st meeting of the Palaeolithic Music Group, Urgeschichtliches Museum, Blaubeuren, 6th July 2011. Supported by Urgeschichtliches Museum, Blaubeuren (Germany).


+46(0)735 338 471


Web design by Fran & Ade Gill

+46(0)735 338 471
Web design by Fran & Ade Gill
Stuck in the Wood AB